Fundamentals of Multimedia Storytelling
Weeks 1,2,3,4
Information is reported and it’s also designed. Presentation is a key part of communication and is what helps people understand your information. It’s also what makes them want to interact. This unit will teach you about UI/UX and ways to draw a reader’s focus online.
Weeks 5,6,7,8
Accuracy in reporting is essential and you’ll benefit in this regard by learning the basics of precision journalism. In this unit, will you to acquire datasets (not stats) and find story ideas in data by doing basic analysis. Use spreadsheets to tackle summaries, percentages and averages, plus formulas, queries, sorts, filters, groupings and more.
Weeks 9,10
Learn how to write about numbers. Draft a pitch, sketch out your visualizations, prototype the package, figure out tech specs.
Weeks 11,12,13,14
Create interactive data visualizations based on your analysis and reporting. Include an original and informative chart and map in your story as your final project.